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4 bedroom bungalow

25,000,000 For sale .. oluyole estate ibadan oyo


85% Completed 4-bedroom Bungalow in a Spacious Premise with all Rooms En-suite, Ceramic Tiles, POP Ceiling, Casement and Aluminium Windows, Security Doors, Ample Parking, 75% Fenced Premise with Good Access.

Illustrations and details given online can never be a substitute for physical inspections and office transactions, which is why we advise that prospective clients visit our corporate office @ Oluyole Estate in Ibadan to erase all forms of apprehensiveness, skepticism, mistrust and phobia owing to the rampancy of sharp practices perpetrated by road-side estate agents. With on-field practice experience spanning over a decade, you can always rely on our professionalism, transparency, prompt delivery and impeccable services. Our scope of services covers Real Estate Brokerage and Investment Analysis, Planning/Design, Construction Project Management, Landscaping and Procurement.

Call us 08186091934
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